On Saturday morning, the participants of the championships could have actively relaxed from chess within the accompanying program while taking a guided tour of the Royal Route to Kampa, but no one accepted the offer.
1st round report
Friday afternoon and evening Olympik and Olympik Tristar hotels belonged to chess game for the first time. The players sat down to the chessboards in two spacious halls with first-class facilities.
Jhunjhunwala Family
One of the more interesting side notes from the tourney is a team with the name “USA 4 Brothers.”
Blitz tournament
Games from round 1
All games from round 1 (even played at non-electronic boards) are now available for download in PGN format in section Games -
Introductory press release
Invitation to side events
We would like invite you all to our morning events (trip to ZOO, Prague Castle, blitz tournament etc.). Information about each event can be found in the...
Information for captains
If you had missed any information or you just need to be sure about something, all information given at the technical meeting is available
The first round has started
55 teams in the category 50+ and 51 teams in the category 65+.
The championship is coming
After the great Prague International Chess Festival held at the Don Giovanni Hotel, other star chess players from all over the world are preparing for the...