
Middle press release

March 11, 2020 09:19 PM

On Tuesday, the World Senior Teams Championship chess tournament entered its fifth day.

In these complicated days organizers must expend much more effort to ensure the smooth running of this important event. The resolution by the Czech government which was published in the morning, caused some doubts and worries among the players and resulted in dozens of telephone calls and questions.  But the perfect preparation of the event and the flexible attitude of the organizers allowed undisturbed continuation of the battles on the chessboards.

In order to comply with the resolution (which restricts all events with more than 100 people), some changes of the tables arrangement had to be made. Playing halls are now divided into smaller, separated venues. Visitors are not allowed to go into the playing halls, but can still watch the games online, or on the projection in front of the playing hall.

Tuesday March 10th was chess weather - showers and mostly cloudy. One more reason for 34 chess players to stay indoors and play a Blitz tournament in the Hotel Olympic in Prague. The format was nine rounds with 2 x 4 minutes plus 2 seconds per move.

The winner of the blitz tournament was IM Yuri Boidman from Germany with 7 points. Second place went to FM Viktor Plotkin from Canada, 3rd place was GM Jouni Yrjola from Finland, 4th place FM Adolf Denk from Austria and 5th place was FM Frantisek Vrana from Czech Republic.

Winners 1-5 from the left Winners 1-5 from the left

In the afternoon, the fifth round started. At the opening, one of the players, FM Vladimir Bretsnajdr, got a gift for his birthday; a beautiful painting on wood. Not only were presents gifted to players celebrating their birthdays during the tournament, but every single player received three small gifts at the registration desk before the first round: a diary, a pen and a can of beer – special edition with the WSTCC 2020 logo and photos of the city of Prague.

birthday FM Vladimír Bretsnajdr birthday FM Vladimír Bretsnajdr

a good beer a good beer

In the 50+ category, the USA played on the first board against the Czech Republic 1. USA won 2.5 to 1.5. On the other boards, five matches were drawn: Yamal vs. Lasker Schachstiftung GK 2:2, Slovakia vs. England 1 2:2, Sk Ziguda Turnov vs. Moscow 2:2, Canada vs. Czech Republic 2 2:2, and USA Too vs. Russia Women 2:2. After five rounds, the USA is in first place, followed by the Czech Republic 1, Island, and Slovakia.

new playing hall new playing hall

GM Igor Novikov and GM Petr Velička GM Igor Novikov and GM Petr Velička

In the 65+ category, Germany 1 played against Russia. Germany 1 won 2.5 to 1.5. Schachfreunde Leipzig lost to Czech Republic 1 1.5 to 2.5. France played against Germany 3 and won 2.5 to 1.5. After five rounds, Germany 1 is in first place, followed by Germany 2, Russia, Israel and Hungary.

IM Boris Maryasin IM Boris Maryasin

With four rounds left to play, we look forward to more exciting chess games and hope for less exciting life circumstances. Chess must go on!


All results you can find at Chess-Results.

All photos from this round are at Zonerama.

Authors: Marta Motuzova, Venuse Souralova

Photos: Vladimir Jagr

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